Thursday, October 28, 2010

Second Project: Community Helpers

Adam's second school project of the year was on the topic of "Community Helpers."

He was assigned "Bus Driver."

He researched it, interviewed a bus driver, and decided to do a puppet show for his project presentation.

We made this cute school bus as our "stage" and then he designed 5 puppets (4 kids and the bus driver). We wrote out the script together, using a lot of the information he had gathered, and tried to make it as fun as possible.

Getting across all of the information that his teacher required in a fun, puppet-y way was a little difficult, but we had fun working on it together.

He did his presentation on Wednesday, and we went down to help him (I played the roles of 2 of the puppets, thank you) and watch him ask and answer questions. He did a great job!

I always grumble a little about the projects, because they DO take a lot of time. However, I LOVE the good experiences he has in researching, preparing, and presenting them each month!

Next month the topic is the "Wild West." Should be fun!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

You do such good work! I'm glad you like school.