Saturday, October 16, 2010

Countdown to Halloween: Week 2

Day 8: Read Spooky Stores by Candle Christmas Light

Day 9: Made Pipe Cleaner Spiders

Courtesy of Grandma W*... thanks so much for the fun craft, Grandma!

Day 10: Played "Capture the Ghost"

Don't be jealous of my awesome photography skillz. ;) We captured a Target bag decorated like a ghost with sticky hands. We were supposed to make Nutter Butter ghosts. However, they mysteriously disappeared.
Very spooky, I

Day 11: Played Wrap the Mummy

Grace and I won. Because we rock.

Day 12: Made Oreo Spiders

Day 13: Played "Pin the Face on the Pumpkin"

Adam won. Though I think there was some cheating involved.

Day 14: Ate Dinner in a Pumpkin

The pumpkin's name (according to Grace) was Percy. Percy was muy delicious.


Blissful & Domestic said...

I haven't done the dinner in a pumpkin yet, but I still want. How did it come out. I am a little nervous to do it. I don't know if it will taste good. What did you think? Oh and how horrible about your monitor, but a plus for the cute shoes:>

Kathy said...

Way fun week!