Sunday, June 8, 2008

We Know How to Avoid 'Em

Tonight I realized that Mike and I haven't given a talk in church since we lived in Phoenix. I think it was Mother's Day, in like, 2002. I'm trying hard to think about it, and am pretty sure that was the last one. We didn't give a talk ever in Flagstaff, and haven't in this city, either.

And then I realized that Adam's been in Primary for awhile now, and he hasn't given a talk yet, either. Not during Sunbeams or his current CTR-5 class.

We've all said the prayers in various meetings, but no talks. At all. And, we are completely active, really. Really. Except for that month a while ago when we didn't go 4 weeks in a row. :)

Do we give off 'we give horrible talks' vibes or something? Weird. And probably true. I think that the last talk in Sacrament meeting Mike gave, he recited the Young Women's theme. I'm still not really sure why. But, it wasn't the finest moment in talk-giving history. ;)

I know that's totally a random thought. But 6 years of no talks, people. That has to be a record.


Kristi said...

Now that you said something you are going to be asked.

Ashlynn and Coleton said...

Thats okay Scott and I have not given a talk in our married lives, and I have not given a talk since I was 13 and my mom helped me.