I particularly like Adam's. He's so sweet. He insisted on doing it on his own, and when he showed it to me, I thought that the 'tantrums' part was adorable, and about fell of my seat when I saw he wanted a dog. Not something we've talked about! The other things on their are a 'Light Saber Maker' and a 'Deception.' He did pretty good on the rest of the spelling, but I hope Santa can read those two! :)
And when we heard about Macy's big, red mailbox to Santa, we just had to do that. It seems like such a fun, magical thing to do. You know? Plus, for every letter they get, they are donating $1 to Make-a-Wish, and I love that, so off we went last night. The kids LOVED putting the letters in!
Grace is so excited for Santa. I think it's fun because Adam's really not that into Santa... he never really has been. He's just far too practical. He's always saying things like, "There is no way reindeer can fly." Which makes me kinda sad, but that's a topic for a different day. But Grace, just loves him! She's been saying that Santa's bringing her a bike for months, and squeals every time she sees him or a picture of him! At the D.I. party, one of Santa's helpers was there, and Grace literally was shaking with excitement. It was so sweet.
Tomorrow we are going to see the real Santa at our ward party, "Breakfast with Santa."
We can't wait!
This was just so precious. I love seeing their letters and them mailing them!! They are such sweet little ones!
Hi Allison...I am your great aunt
Paula, from Arkansas...and I read your blog...love it...but wanted to comment on one of the pictures you took..of Grace looking out the window at the snow...do you realize what a GREAT picture that is???? It is wonderful and would make a great scrapbook page! Just had to say it!!
I am such a slacker I know. We are going to get Grace her gift when you come down for the new year. If you are not coming down I will mail it. Will you just let me know what to get for her. I dont even know what she likes.
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