Remember Adam's loose tooth? Almost a month and a half later, it was still loose. And still completely there. A few weeks ago, I checked out his mouth, and his permanent tooth had grown in behind the baby tooth.
And then I cried.
You see, his teeth have always been evenly spaced and beautiful. I've been told by dentists that because there was so much space between his baby teeth, that because they were so straight, that his permanent teeth would be perfect, and that no braces would be needed.
But now they will be.
Curse you permanent tooth!
So, according to the dentist, it was going to have to be professionally pulled out, because there was no permanent tooth under it to push it out. We decided to wait until the new year, because my FSA account would start again and would cover the charges.
How bad of a mom does that make me, on a scale of 1-10?
That's a completely rhetorical question, by the way.
Anyway, he kept on wiggling it, and it seemed a bit looser, and it turns out that I can be a bit stingy too, because I grabbed a pair of pliers last night and pulled it out.
It was awesome and I now want to be a dentist. For seriousness. There is something very satisfying about pulling out a tooth.
Anyway, Mike was obviously extremely jealous of all ten kinds of my dental skills, and he wanted to pretend he was a doctor, too. So he went ahead and removed the staples from Adam's head.
(Please don't think he's a bad parent as well... the urgent care doctor explained how to do it, if he wanted to... Adam just didn't want him to.)
But Adam is easily bribed.
With all those co-pays and co-insurance saved by our home medical care, you'd think we would be doing something fun and exciting.
Nope. It's just gone toward more health care for Miss Grace.
Stay tuned for THAT story.
1 comment:
Yea for Adam and for Mommy and Daddy being so very multi-talented. So sorry about our little butterfly and her sore wing. She is in our prayers!!
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