Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Little Nurse Shark!

Adam and Grace's school participates in the Accelerated Reader book program.  They have to read certain "AR" books, take tests, and once they get so many 100% on the tests, they get to move up to the next reading level.  Their school mascot is the shark, so each level is assigned a different shark.

Grace was at the kindergarten reading level (a 'Cookie Cutter Shark.')  She read a lot of books, and reached the goal of  20 100% tests this week!  She was presented a certificate and a pencil at the morning assembly this morning, and got to have a pizza lunch with her teacher this afternoon!

She was SO excited!  She worked SO hard and is now a 'Nurse Shark', which means she reads books at the 1st grade level.  Wahoo!

Adam is really close, but he has to read more/longer books... he is only 4 away from graduating his level.

And, to make the assembly even more special, Adam's class presented the school motto, so we got to see him participate in that, too.  His class did a great job!

We are so proud of both of our shark readers!

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