Saturday, August 2, 2008

Randoms, Randoms, Randoms

- I have banned all permanent-ink markers from our home. However, Grace found one in the back of her closet (no idea how it got there), and went to town. Not sure if she was going for the zebra or tiger look. She will look tres chic in her dress tomorrow at church.

- Adam had SO much fun at his Primary activity today. First, they divided into groups and ate food from their countries (hope he doesn't really go to Bolivia someday, because he's not a fan of the food). Next, they played a relay game where they had to put on a suit, ring a doorbell, run back, get undressed, and tag the next person in line. He wants us to play this for FHE on Monday. :) Then, they learned about being member missionaries and how to prepare for missions now (he told me very seriously that before you go on a mission you have to get a "temple lick-a-mend"). The last thing they did was bake cookies for the missionaries who are serving in our ward. Fun day!

- While Adam was at church, Grace and I hit Target. I found some fun clearanced 'bug items' in the summer section, and Adam has been going to town finding bugs outside with them. (Plus, now his cicada shell has a home. Phew! I don't mind it, but didn't particularly like it on the counter, either).

- Breaking Dawn came out today, and I had planned on buying it at Target. When I got there, though, I thought, "How fun would it be to wait to read it until my CT scan?" That way, I will have something to do/get my mind off of the IV and waiting. It will give me something to look forward to about the day, anyways. :) So, I'm waiting 10 more days, and avoiding the Internet so it's not spoiled for me. :) So, shhhh!

- Grace crawled onto the counter today and took a drink out of the fish bowl, something she declared "Yum! Yum!" before I realized what she was doing and grabbed her. Ewww. Tonight, she took one bite of her enchilada, and screached, "Yuk!" Please pass how that makes sense! (No pic of her in the fishbowl-obviously-but here is her climbing onto the counter again. This girl has muscles!)

Happy Saturday, everyone!

1 comment:

Grammy Suzzy said...

Now, Allison, how can you get mad at that cute little face!! And I thought that, recently, when you made enchiladas, Grace loved them and Adam was not very pleased with them. Try to please a kid!!