Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yesterday, we RANSACKED our house, and made a huge run to D.I. I have been wanting to do this for a long time. We have so much stuff that we never use, and I really wanted to de-clutter. One reason that we have so much stuff, is that we were given a lot of doubles or triples on wedding gifts. Like, we have 3 huge crock-pots, 2 ice cream makers, 3 blenders, 2 skillets, etc. I have been trying to get Mike to let use get rid of some of these things FOREVER! He loves keeping things "just in case." But, we hardly ever use one blender... let alone 3! And we haven't made homemade ice cream in years.

So, I finally convinced him (because, I reasoned, if we got rid of enough, we could rent a smaller moving van), and we donated a lot of stuff. For a FHE treat last night, we decided to make homemade ice cream, because we already had the ice cream maker out. Well, we tried making ice cream, anyways.

It turns out that one of the ice cream makers was broken. And we donated the non-broken one. Mike's a bit irritated with me for making him donate it. Whoops!

So, for the first time, we could have actually used one of our "just in case" items, and we donated it. I tried explaining to Mike, that we should feel good, because some family is going to have the opportunity to have homemade ice cream. (Even if we aren't). But I don't think he bought it. Note to self: check appliances before donating to see if all are working. :)

1 comment:

Ashlynn and Coleton said...

That is funny. That is a Wilkins thing. To hang on to stuff. I just get rid of stuff I know Scott will never notice it was gone. And so far so good.