Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night Out

We have been so ridiculously good about not eating out.

Like we haven't eaten out at all for months.

Rah! for us, right?

I have been kind of jealous, though, because they bring in yummy lunches all of the time at D.I. At least once a week, he gets to eat something fun... while I stay home and eat mac and cheese with the kids.

Who says motherhood isn't glamorous?


So, last week his boss bought Cafe Rio and sent Mike to pick it up. Mike had to pick up so many that he ended up getting a free meal on the punch card. And since kids eat free there (score!) we went out to eat tonight and shared the free meal, so that we didn't have to pay.

How much fun is that?

It was Josh's first time in a real highchair and he LOVED it! Almost as much as he loved his cheese quesadilla... he finished the entire thing!

We had a lot of fun getting out and breaking out of the routine for a night!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Who doesn't like Cafe Rio?!