Much to post. Much to catch up on.
Haven't blogged in what feels like forever.
Because we spent last weekend and this week dealing with a stomach bug.
All is well now.
However, my house is a wreck and I have 10 loads of laundry to fold.
I do tend to exaggerate.
But I'm not this time.
Our a/c is broken and I can't call them to fix it because our apartment is such a mess that I'm afraid that the apartment manager would kick us out if she saw it like this.
It got up to 94 degrees in here yesterday.
It's hard to clean when it's that hot.
Catch-22: Can't get the a/c fixed until the house is clean and can't clean the house when it's this hot.
BTW, I read the book Catch-22 in 10th grade to impress a boy.
Total lame-ness, I know.
It didn't work. And I got someone better anyways.
Besides trying to clean and fold laundry and running after kids to catch throw-up in bowls, I have spent all of my time alternately feeding Josh and pumping. My milk supply is dwindling.
Just like it did with Grace at this time.
I realize with the speaking of breastmilk I have now scared off all 2 of my male readers.
Have the boys left now?
Breastmilk talk will now ensue.
Why does my body give up making milk at around 5 months?
Why does not being able to feed my baby make me cry and feel like a total failure?
Why do I keep trying to do this?
My life would be infinitely simpler if I just gave up and fed him a bottle.
Well, besides the fact that he won't take a bottle.
At all.
He did on Sundays (for Mike while I was in Primary) during the first 2 months.
Now he has no idea what to do with a bottle and screams to the point of throwing up when we try.
I will keep trying.
Our Primary activity is on Saturday. Our ward party/youth fundraiser is on Saturday night. I'm making a craft for Adam's teacher for tomorrow. Mother's Day is on Sunday.
I have a million things to do.
(That is an exaggeration. But only a slight one).
Grace dropped a coffee pot at Wal-Mart on Wednesday.
It made a horrific noise as it shattered.
Everyone stared.
Grace and I both started to cry.
(BTW, how long can I continue to blame hormones for randomly crying in public?)
The ONLY kind Wal-Mart employee in Las Vegas was on the scene. She comforted us and told us not to worry about it.
It's been a long week.
This long rambling post has, oddly, made me feel better.
Though I'm sorry you all had to read it.
We're fine.
Just busy.
Tomorrow it's only going to be 86, so maybe if I stay up late tonight and the house doesn't get so hot tomorrow, I will get some things done.
And our a/c will get fixed.
And THEN I will be able to catch up on this blog.