Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Change of Plans...

The only reason that my OB wanted to do the amnio this week (and c-section tomorrow) was because my amniotic fluid levels have been crazy. A level of 5-25 is normal, and mine were at 32. My levels were also really high with Adam and Grace (I think it's just my funky body), but she was worried about me going into labor.

So, that was the plan. And then last week, my levels went down to 22. So, she cancelled the amnio.

My new official, final c-section date is December 1st. Unfortunately, it's not until 5:30pm. Which is lame, because I'm not allowed to eat or drink from midnight the night before. I can handle the eating, but going that long without drinking seems like torture right now. :)

I'm SO glad that my levels went down and that it's not happening until next week. Even though the itching is miserable, I'm so glad that the kids get to have a Thanksgiving (of sorts) and we get some extra time to prepare.

And besides, I'm not through getting my Adam-and-Grace-only time in.


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