Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why I Was Up So Late Last Night

(This actually is from a week ago... I keep hitting "save" instead of "publish." Whoops!)

Adam, unfortunately, has the sleep patterns of his mother. He is a night owl who loves to stay up late.

And then get up early.

I keep telling him that eventually his body will backfire on him, and that by the time he hits 24, not only will he not be able to do the all-nighter thing on regular basis, but that not getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night will make him unbearably cranky.
He doesn't care, though.

So, when I went to bed on Sunday night (after midnight), he was still awake in his bed, reading an encyclopedia.

He loves encyclopedias.

Remember his math in the bath, right? ;)

At 5:00 in the morning the next day, he graced me with his presence, asking for breakfast.

I rolled over, closed my eyes, and told him to go play with his Legos.

Last night after scripture reading and prayer, Adam's allergies were bothering him pretty bad, so I asked if he wanted some medicine.

He replied, "No, I think it's just that Lego."

Adam likes to experiment. And apparently somewhere between playing with his Legos and reading about the human nose in his encyclopedia early that morning, he decided to see what would happen if he put a Lego up his nose.

And then not tell anyone about it all day.

So, that's why at 11:00 at night, we were still up trying to figure out how to get a small, circular Lego out of Adam's nose.

Night or day, it's never really boring 'round here.

1 comment:

Danyel said...

Adam is so funny. Must have been hard to get the lego out. His sleeping habbits must run in the family.