Friday, September 5, 2008

This Guy Works Hard

Mike had to 'suspend' several people earlier this week, and as a result, has been short on people getting things done at work. The outside area at D.I. was a horrible mess, and after putting in a 9-hour day today, he came home for dinner, and then was going to go back to work, to try and get it cleaned up.

I suggested that we come and help, and the kids were ecstatic at the opportunity. We spent 2 hours throwing away trash and hauling furniture and organizing and throwing things in the compactor. It was hot out (100 degrees plus), and when we were finished, we were all sweaty and dusty and exhausted. But, we all had fun working together.

We came home, and I realized how sore I was. My feet and arms ache. I smelled disgusting. And I only helped for 2 hours. It makes me appreciate how hard Mike works for us, every day. He came home and fell asleep, and is going to head back to work early to finish up, and won't return until late tomorrow.

I'm so thankful for him, and how hard he works every day so I can stay home with Adam and Grace. Amazing.

*Sorry about the lack of blogging. It's just been one of those weeks. I'll catch up tomorrow!*

1 comment:

Grammy Suzzy said...

You all were so wonderful to think of going and helping him out. Thank you, Mike, from all of us for doing so much to take care of your family!