Sunday, December 30, 2007

Naughty or Nice?

I went grocery shopping on Friday with the kids. I normally go to 3-4 different grocery stores (depending on the ads) each week, to get the maximum bang for my buck. But, I've got it down to a science, and I'm normally done in under 2 hours.

On Friday, it took almost 5! And you're probably thinking that it probably took soooo long because Adam threw tantrums and whined, and Grace spent the entire time trying to escape the cart. And normally, you'd be correct. However, it took so long because they were both so freakin' good! I literally had 10 people (count 'em... 10) stop me, and comment on how good my kids were, and what terrors THEIR children/grandchildren were, and how lucky I was, and how cute the kids were, and then I'd have to hear the life story of the person. I don't mind talking to people (I rather enjoy it, actually), but 5 hours of shopping and hearing about so-and-so's life is a BIT much. And it was like, the more that people stopped, the more charming and polite Adam and Grace were, and I really think that by the end, they were plotting against me. I could almost see their little minds working, "Ha! We'll show her what she gets when we are good!"

I have always wondered what it would be like to HAVE those kids who are angelic in the grocery store. But now that I've been there, I think that being nice may be just as bad as them being naughty. Not sure which I'd rather have... But at least the next time that they are being horrible, I can look back and think about this time, and that it wasn't so great. The grass is always greener, right?

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