Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not Yet!

Grace threw her first official tantrum yesterday. Since the accident, I have tried to be more careful about watching her on the chairs. She is SUCH a climber, and it's proving really hard to keep her on the ground. She has been climbing out of her high chair for months, so we put her in a booster seat, and it's STILL a struggle to get her to sit. This is probably why she's so stinkin' skinny. She'd rather climb during meals than eat.

Anyway, she was trying to climb out again, and I was trying to hold her with one hand to keep her seated, and feed her with the other hand. She stopped struggling, sat there, and for a second (a brief second, albeit), I thought that I had won. So naive. Then she started SCREAMING, rocking back-and-forth and banging her head against the back of the chair. I thought she has caught her leg or something, so I took her out. The crying immediately stopped. Put her back in. Another tantrum. Goodness! Is it possible for the Terrible Two's to start at 15 months? Yikes! It seems that my oh-so-easy Grace days are over. She has seriously been a dream. Besides the weight-gain issues, that is. She's happy. She goes down for naps and bed very easily. She slept through through the night at 2 months. She's been a wonderful baby. But if these tantrums are any indication of the future... fantastic. :)

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