Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dentist Visit

Grace had her first dental check-up today and she did great!

Adam had his check-up today, too, but he didn't fare so well. He has a really sensitive gag reflex, so normally I don't let him eat before these kind of things. I forgot this morning, though, and sure enough, he threw up during his cleaning.

Which I guess means his teeth didn't really get cleaned.

The hygenist said it happens all of the time.

And I decided then and there that I would never be a dental hygenist (not that I ever wanted to, but it's definitely been eliminated now).

Grace watched the entire thing with wide eyes, and I was sure she was going to freak out. Instead, as soon as he (and the room) were cleaned, she hopped right up and said, "My turn!"

She loved having her teeth cleaned. She loved having them counted. She loved looking at her x-rays.

Afterwards, she said it was better than going to the park.

Weirdo. Who likes going to the dentist?


Neither had any cavities (yay!), and the dentist found another loose tooth that we hadn't noticed yet on Adam. So, he's looking forward to some tooth fairy moolah soon.


More News at the Funny Farm said...

That's the way I was and all my kids are the same way. Start young and they end up loving the dentist. We go to a Community College Clinic that is where the Dental Hygenist train. So it takes like 3 to 5 hours with sometimes more than one visit, but it's $5 bucks to do.

More News at the Funny Farm said...

Sounds just like me and my kids. Most of them want it done after they get done. We go to a community college school where dental hygenist train and it can take 2 visits from 1 to 5 hours depending. But they still love it and we can't beat the rate - $5 bucks!