Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some March/April Total Randomness

This is how we do the library every Monday. We split up, get our books throw them on the table and read until Josh (or Grace) starts fussing. Then we check out.

I think it's cute how Mike puts his hand over his mouth when he's concentrating.

This is how we spy on cute firemen. I kid, I kid. Seriously, the apartment building just northeast of ours caught fire a few weeks ago. It was super-windy that day, and Mike had taken the car. The neighbors started talking about evacuating, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to haul out two kids AND our photographs on my back, when the cute firemen saved the day and put it out.

Once we were out of danger and it was no longer scary, it was very cool to watch.

This is how we do dinner on Sundays now. Pizza on the grill. Our new favorite is caramelized onion pizza. I found the idea on Pioneer Woman.

She rocks.

This is how we drive our mama crazy. We drink food coloring straight from the bottle.

This is how we ruin young babies' minds. During spring break Mike thought it would be fun to go to the dollar theater (which on Tuesdays is actually a dollar... for the movie and treats). Alvin & the Chipmunks 2 (or whatever) was playing and the kids really wanted to see it. Josh was asleep, so I thought, "Why not?" He woke soon after the movie started and stared fascinated the entire time.

I didn't watch much of the movie. I was too busy worrying about how many brain cells were being destroyed as he stared at the huge screen.


Amanda said...

I was wondering what Mike was reading that was so bad he actually covered his mouth.

And the food coloring...yikes. You've got your work cut out for you with Grace.

Grammy Suzzy said...

Cute firemen, huh? I think with Grace's attraction for firemen (again, she and Kayty are just two peas in a pod!), the food coloring is the LEAST of your worries!