Sunday, March 15, 2015

Our Family in 2015: Week of 3/9-3/15

This sweet guy turned 14 months old this week.

He says "Dada," "prayer" (and cocks his head rather than folding his arms when we pray... it's adorable.  His version of "bowing his head"), "Josh," and "night-night."  We all adore him so very much.

There is no way he is going to grow up normal with all over the spoiling he gets 'round here.


Adam had another great basketball game this week.  We all love watching his games.  They are so fun!


All of our allergies have started up.  My friend calls March her "Month of Misery" and I've adopted it.  I can't breathe, all of our eyes are insanely itchy, and we've gone through several boxes of tissue.

We are all miserable. 

Outside exercise isn't happening right now, so we dragged out the Wii Fit and have been having fun playing with each other on it.


Adam and Grace both had celebrations at school this week.  Adam's class celebrated Pi Day.  They all brought in pies to share.

Grace's class celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing like 100-year-olds.

Unfortunately, 2 seconds after this photo, the pie was set on the couch, and Sam went ahead and sampled it.

Approximately 5 seconds after THIS photo was taken, Adam tripped and dropped the entire thing on the ground.

And went ahead and sampled it, too.


Sam has discovered the joy of markers.

They are amazing to eat!  They are fun to draw on walls with!  They go with everything!


More sand and water play happened this week.

Sam is obsessed with all things outside, and bangs on the back door until we let him out.

My allergies are so bad that I want to wear a gas mask while he's outside.


I recently had a coupon at Sam's Club for fish, so we decided to try some for dinner.  I've never made fish in my entire life.

It was so good!

Everyone gobbled all of that fish up.  We are going to have to try out some more recipes soon.


On Saturday Mike took the older kids to a fun Scouting fundraiser for a friends' ward, while I stayed home with Sam.

They all had a great time together.


We celebrated Pi Day (3.14) as a family with some apple pie for dessert.


Sam found some more markers.

Everybody hide yo markers!


And my sweet Josh fell asleep on the chair.

This kid is my night owl who also wakes up early, but refuses to nap.

So he sneaks in sleep whenever he can get it.

(Photo credit: Adam Wilkins)

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