Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Fifth and Sixth



He had such perfect, straight teeth when he was little.

I just don't know what happened.


So, of the 4 teeth that Adam has lost (prior to this incident), 3 of them had the baby teeth growing up behind the permanent ones. We were able to get 2 of these out on our own, 1 had to be pulled by the dentist.

His top front teeth have been loose for awhile. He (again) tried to get kids to punch him at school. A kickball was kicked in to his face (on accident). Grace has kicked him numerous times.

These teeth were not budging.

I told him to keep wiggling. I told him to eat apples.

They would not would not come out.

Then he began complaining about how much they hurt.

I looked at them a little more closely and saw that they were both crooked. The new permanent teeth had grown in slightly behind and to the side, making the babies push into each other at an angle.

Mike and I tried for days to pull the darn things. The way that they were pushed into each other, made it impossible for us to pull, and Adam was in so much pain.

So we visited our dentist.

Sigh... this dentist loves Adam's crazy teeth.

Some "laughing gas," Novocaine, and a few hard tugs later, they were out!

I think he looks adorable.

He is loving showing off his new mouth and that I am letting him eat pudding, because his gums are swollen and sensitive from all of the pulling.

He also loves that the tooth fairy left fairy dust once again.

The tooth fairy is (slowly) getting back on top of things.



Kristi said...

It's not normal to have 2 rows of crooked teeth?

Grammy Suzzy said...

Adam, you look so nice...and isn't it great to eat all the mushy good things! And, you still can eat your favorites: pb &j's and haystacks! Hope that tooth fairy was very nice to you!