Sunday, March 22, 2015

Our Family in 2015: Week of 3/16-3/22

We started out our week by getting ready for sneaky leprechauns by making traps.

No one could agree on a type of trap to make together, so they made 3 separate traps for Family Home Evening.



He's been learning about he Prohibition at school.


The leprechauns all managed to escape, but they each left a little of their gold.

Along with green milk and tattoos on their cheeks.


I made a fun green lunch for them.


Our shower has been broken for months.  So, we've all been using one shower in the kids bathroom.

First world problems, I know.

But, Mike fixed our shower so we now have 2 again!


Josh is an incredibly determined kid.

Some days I call it "stubborn" but he's really very determined.

He wanted to get better at basketball, so he decided to shoot every day until he makes 20 shots with the small basketball and 15 with the volleyball.

When it rolls across the street, he sits there and dribbles until cars pass.

I am so thankful for his example.


After 3 kids who gag refried beans down (including Adam who used to throw up every time he ate them), we finally have a kid who loves them!


We are continuing with our "indoor exercising" by running laps.  We each run and see how many we can get within 5 minutes.  Everyone around here is pretty competitive, and we can easily spend an hour doing this.


Each year, Mike's job gives him a 1% raise. 

He received it this week, so we celebrated with some Cafe Rio.

I mean, I don't even think the amount of the raise covered dinner, but you know, it's fun to not cook for a night and have an excuse to celebrate.  :)

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