Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our Family: Week of 10/6-10/12

We continued on with our Halloween fun with making caramel apples for an FHE treat on Monday.

They were delicious.

Or "a-licious" as Josh says it.



On Tuesday, we had volleyball practice.  I started the kids' Halloween costumes.  We had fun hanging with Aunt Kayty.

That girl can make me laugh like nothing else.

Love her.


On Wednesday I had Activity Days.  A sweet sister in our ward offered to teach the girls to decorate Halloween cupcakes, so we went to her house to do that.

Right afterward, Kayty and I went to see Wicked!

We had the BEST time!

It was my first "grown up" musical (probably the first I've seen since high school) and it was soooo good!

And since I used my birthday money for it, happy early birthday to me!


You know what people don't tell you before you have kids?

That you will never, ever get a night out to yourself again.

Because even with being out by myself for the first time since Sam was born (besides quick grocery trips), those little punks never left me.

The entire time I thought about how cool Adam would think the set and special effects were, how much Grace would have loved the costumes and the singing, that Josh would love the theater with all of the stairs to run up and down, and I worried about Sam home alone, without his Mama (trying to drink a bottle).

And I missed them all like crazy.

They have ruined "me" time forever.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.


Mike had to work late Thursday, so my sweet sister brought Adam to Scouts while I went to Grace's volleyball game.

She did great and bumped the ball twice!

That evening I worked on Grace's Elsa costume (and Sam's Olaf) some more.


On Friday both Adam and Mike had (separate) campouts.

They packed a little differently.


We got them all sent off, and had pizza night at home with Kayty while watching Casper.


On Saturday Kayty left bright and early.

We miss her already!

She needs to find a cute Vegas boy and move here stat!


We had Primary program practice in the morning.

In the afternoon, Grammy and Papa + Doran and Amber and Kelsie and Kooper + the C* family kids came over.

It was a full house!

I LOVE it that way!


On Sunday we woke up early to get ready for the Sacrament meeting Primary program.

Which just happens to be Adam's very last one.


They all did a wonderful job!

Years ago, my mom began leaving Grammy bags for the kids when she left.

Because those crazies cried for hours after she left each time, and she wanted to leave them something to make them happy.

It totally worked.

These kids raced home from church to get their coveted Grammy bags.

They did not disappoint.

We spent the rest of our Sunday resting, getting ready for the week, and feeling so thankful for that family of ours.

We are very blessed.

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