Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Carnival

Today, Adam's school held their annual spring carnival.

I really, really didn't want to go. Because Mike had to work during it, and I'm a chicken when it comes to big crowds + me by myself + 2 kids. Especially with one child who really, really loves running away from me.

But, Adam SO wanted to go, so I swallowed my fears, and we went.

And we had a great time!

The weather was really nice, except for the wind (we were under a wind advisory today), which made the "throwing" games a little difficult. Other than that, it was really fun to play the games with Adam and Grace, and talk to the other moms.

All of the bouncing and throwing and winning prizes just wore Grace out, though. We were waiting in line, when I looked down and found her sound asleep. I was happy because this meant no more chasing her, and Adam was happy because he got to use her tickets.

It was a win-win for all. :)


Kathy said...

What a fun day! So glad you keep us updated with your blog. Miss you...

Grammy Suzzy said...

Sounds like you had such a good time! And I cannot imagine you hesitant to go out and do anything, with Mike or alone. To me, my dear, you are the TRUE supermom!

Danyel said...

They are so cute. Grace is so fun. Ethan is becoming more like that with the running away.